Random And Random Errors In The Alka Seltzer Merners

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Errors Random and systematic errors are both factors that can affect the reliability and accuracy of the results respectively. As all the graphs contained outliers, and hence, scatter, this indicates that random errors were present. Such errors may result from the inconsistent masses of the Alka Seltzer tablets. As these tablets were cut manually with a knife, it is unlikely that the mass of each half of an Alka Seltzer tablet would be the same. Thus, when using the tablets to react with HCl, the true number of tablets reacting would have not been the same as the number denoted for the trial, and with each repeated trial for the same number of tablets reacting, the reacting mass and ratio would have not been inconsistent. Consequently, the …show more content…

Random errors reflect a low precision through high scatter. Increasing the sample size of the number of tablets used will produce more data that can be graphed, and from which a more reliable and representative line of best fit could be produced, ultimately minimising random errors. Additionally, increasing the number of trials for each number of reacting Alka Seltzer tablets would minimise random errors by helping to produce a more precise average change in mass. Modifying the method can also help minimise the effect of random errors, by obtaining more reliable results. For example, instead of cutting the Alka Seltzer tablets in half, whole Alka Seltzer tablets could have been used, and the amount of reacting HCl could have been increased to account for the increase in the number of tablets used for each ample. In doing this, the mass of the reacting Alka Seltzer tablets will be more consistent for each trial, and the state of subdivision of the tablets could be truly kept …show more content…

In undertaking the experiment, the hypothesis “if the number of Alka Seltzer tablets reacted increases, then the maximum rate of reaction will increase,” was formed. When graphing the relationship between the maximum rate of reaction and the number of Alka Seltzer tablets reacting, Graph 7 produced a line of best fit with a constant increasing slope that passed through the origin (0,0). This is characteristic of linear graphs, which have the general equation, y=mx, where m is the slope, a constant term, and y and x are changing variables that are directly proportional (i.e. y ∝x). Hence, it can be deduced that Graph 7 is a linear graph, and that there is a linear relationship between the maximum rate of reaction and the number of Alka Seltzer tablets, where they are directly proportional. That is, as the number of Alka Seltzer tablets increased, the maximum rate of reaction increased, supporting the hypothesis. As the true value of the maximum rate of reaction per Alka Seltzer tablet was not known, and a value for comparison was unavailable, the accuracy of the results could not be determined. However, due to the scatter in Graphs 2 to 7, it was evident that the results had low precision. In future, repeating the experiment using different and/or new apparatus will aid in detecting systematic errors and improve the accuracy and validity of the results.

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