Racism In Mark Twain's The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

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The media can also play a great role in influencing racism. It is a commonplace for anyone to join to understand other races and for others to explain and clarify things that could have been misinterpreted. “Social media provides a laboratory of how discourse on race play out with very little moderation.” With social media it becomes difficult to fall out of the loop of current trends and spreading different cultures. Racism can be portrayed as positive or negative but often ends up being negative. Social media video is one of the fastest ways to address issues of race. A hateful, racist video could be filmed, uploaded, viewed, and responded to and create a virtual debate of sort instantly. The convenience of the internet help people spread their thoughts around the …show more content…

The N-word has become a grand controversy because the word is repeated over 200 times and often offends readers. The use of the word especially by a young child shows how it was part of everyday vocabulary during the time period but shows readers how much African Americans were degraded then. Racism has become almost second nature to many white Americans that they are able to use the n-word casually in daily language. Racism is still an unconscious thought for many today and readers are able to see throughout the novel, it is very difficult to fix the unconscious habit. It is evident that the whites had a deep hatred for the blacks which resulted in a scene where the whites were extremely gullible because they are always willing to believe that a fault was committed by a slave and do not consider the fact that a white person could have easily been the one at fault. In the scene everyone believed the con artists that the slaves were the ones who stole the money made it a lot easier for the cons to escape with the family fortune

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