Racism In Do The Right Thing

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Racial Tensions and Supremacy During the 20th century, racism was a prevalent issue throughout the country. It often caused social tensions between people of different races living in the same community, resulting in violence and disruptions. In the film Do the Right Thing, the director, Spike Lee, portrayed racism accurately by addressing the discrimination against black people. Throughout the film, characters were transformed, stereotypes were broken, and the audience knew more information than the characters in the movie. Lee’s theme was to show people that blacks should “fight the power,” or superiority, caused by racial supremacy of white people by establishing a balance of power, fighting the stereotypes, and uniting together against the white people. Racial supremacy can be shown by not acknowledging what is said by people of other races, and by provoking violence. The film portrayed white supremacy over blacks when Buggin’ Out commented to Sal that there were no pictures of black heroes on the wall of fame in …show more content…

In the fire hydrant scene, the black people got the rich man’s antique car wet. When driving by, the police stopped to cease the water flow. When the rich man complained about his car, the police told him that he better g333et back to his car before the black people stripped it clean. The police referred to all blacks as criminals, which implied that whites were better than blacks, supporting the idea of white superiority over black people. Here, the stereotypes about black people are applied to the whole race, and the black people need to fight the false stereotypes given to them by the white people. The remarks of the police reinforce the stereotypes that all black people are criminals. The white bystanders who hear the police will continue to believe these stereotypes because they heard people with authority reinforcing

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