Institutionalism In Uprooting Racism, By Paul Kivel

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Over the course of history, racism has become far more institutionalized and still affects people to this day. In the book, Uprooting Racism, by Paul Kivel the institutionalized racism and its effects are thoroughly discussed, as well as possible causes and ways to work toward ending racism. In the film, Walkout, by Edward James Olmos, the way institutionalized racism affects not only the adults but as well as the children is explored. In the film, Teenagers in the east side of Los Angeles fight for equal rights as well as equal opportunities in school. The book and film work together to show the situations that integrated racism places these young adults in. These situations can vary widely from simply having lower school budget, to being embarrassed in front of other students as punishment, not being allowed to speak spanish in school, and even being purposefully shied away from going to college. The first condition that has come to affect the teenagers at this school due to institutionalized racism is the extremely low budget the schools are give when contrasted with the west side schools. As Kivel notes “we can choose where we want to live and choose safer neighborhoods with better schools” (Kivel 31). Although this issue …show more content…

The students in the school are shied away and even denied opportunities for higher education by the teachers, “Many have been discouraged or prevented from pursuing academic or work goals” (Kivel 44). From not believing in the students to not wanting them to get further ahead in life, the teachers in this low budgeted, racist school are sacrificing the students future in the name of institutionalized racism. This causes the students to remain in the same social class for another generation, once again, starting the cycle of integrated racism in the schools and surrounding

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