Immigration Vs Illegal Immigration

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Society shaped our minds into using certain words and being oblivious to their actual meanings. We speak language without recognizing the actual power a word contains for example, the words illegal immigrant and illegal alien. The word illegal immigrant versus undocumented immigrant has become a trending topic. My research on four articles ultimately lead to my conclusion: Framing Unauthorized Immigrants: The Effects of Labels on Evaluations by Redar Ommunsen , Smoke Screens: Is There Correlation between Migration Euphemisms and the Language of Detention by Mariette Garange, Criminology by Xia Wang and Undocumented vs Illegal immigrant: towards terminological coherence by Mila Paspalanova. After doing the research and studying …show more content…

People support the term Illegal immigrant because it is a standard word to describe the illegal action they committed by entering the country unauthorized; however, the word “illegal” can have a negative connotation attached to it. “Being an immigrant becomes associated through the use of language, with illegal acts under the criminal law.... Illegal immigration as a concept has the effects of rendering suspicious in the eyes of the population and the world” (Garange7). When referring to immigrants as “illegal”, it automatically gives people a bad perception about them; so it leads to them being treated unethically and not given an opportunity. Society stereotypes immigrants like criminals that break the law. The immigrant comes in search of a better life, opposed to the criminal who harmed or murdered, and still isn’t called illegal. On the other hand, when an immigrant is called an undocumented worker the population has more sympathy towards them and does not automatically criminalize them, which is more …show more content…

According to the article Criminology immigrants are less likely to contribute to crime than people think; so, they should not use illegal in front of immigrant, because they are not illegal in fact no one is.(Wang764) It seems to be a stereotype that immigrants cause crimes because the negative connotation the word illegal contains. People say immigrants take their jobs and housing, but in all actuality Americans wouldn’t work for low pay and live in the inner city. A reason for stereotyping also comes from America referring to crime by race, so by doing that immigrants happen to be a large percent of the minorities who get penalized for it. “Also, a long American tradition of prejudice exists against immigrants, including characterizations of them as dangerously criminal” (Wang765). As long as we keep using perceptional language towards immigrants the stereotyping and negativity will continue with those words. Most stereotypes are just misconceptions society and the language we use

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