Racial Discrimination In The Workplace Essay

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In the United States, society likes to think of itself as progressive and modern, open to many differences. The country was founded on the American Dream. The American Dream did not specify what a person 's skin color had to be in order to achieve success. It was the simple belief that through hard work an American could attain success and prosperity. Time and time again the United States has proved its acceptingness to a diverse amount of people. There are communities of racially diverse people living together and peacefully interacting. Americans see this interaction and some people will think that they are living in a utopian society where everyone is equal. While there are others that know this is not the complete truth, they know the other side of the story because they have lived it first hand. Although “Slavery may be gone and legal segregation …show more content…

Racial discrimination is not just the paranoia or an overreaction of a person of color. It is the statistically proven fact that people of color are at a disadvantage in the workplace. They have a low employment rate, which goes back to potential employers judging an applicant based on the prejudice and bias associated with their name. Those other people of color that do get hired are less likely to move into a higher position of power due to the harassment they often receive that does not allow them to do their best work. The disadvantages also include a large racial wage gap where people of color are making less than white people for no other reasonable explanation but that they are of color. People should not be facing so many difficulties in the workplace based on a characteristic that does not affect one 's working ability. A person 's skin color does not represent who they are as a worker. An employee should be valued based on their effort, service, and the dedication they have to their job and

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