Race, Class, and Gender: The Critical Race Theory

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Race, Gender, and Social class are all common interests in our American Society since before the Civil Rights Movement until now and will continue to be. Many theories have been developed with the intent to analyze these concepts of human life, and genetics within the scope of society. Critical Race theory, a modern take on the subtle racism and discrimination in institutional society and our American law, is one of these theories that construct the ideas relating race, gender and social class to American society. All groups of people are affected by racism and discrimination throughout the United States. Arab Americans and the Sioux, Native American Indian group, are two groups I will analyze in relation to Critical Race theory.

First, it is important to know what Critical Race theory is and where it came from. Critical Race theory came from a number of scholars, most of color and in law school, that “challenges the ways in which race and racial power are constructed and represented in American legal culture and, more generally, in American society as a while ( Crenshaw, Gotanda, Peller, & Thomas, 1995, p. xi). Critical Race Theory “rejects the prevailing orthodoxy that scholarship should be or could be "neutral" and "objective." We believe that legal scholarship about race in America can never be written from a distance of detachment or with an attitude of objectivity. To the extent that racial power is exercised legally and ideologically, legal scholarship about race is an important site for the construction of that power, and thus is always a factor, If only ideologically, in the economy of racial power itself (Crenshaw et al. 1995, p. xi).” In other words, Critical Race theory is a belief that racism is almost engrained in...

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