Incognegro: The First Side Of Race In Zane Pinchback

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Race has many dimensions. People view race by associating traits to the physical appearance of others. In the graphic novel Incognegro, the main character, Zane Pinchback, is a Black person who is able to pass as a white person because of his skin color. As a reporter, he exposes the lynching and other horrendous acts that white people do to Black people in the south. When discussing his job, he explains his perspective on race. He says, “Race is a strategy. The rest is just people acting. Playing roles” (Johnson 19). Implicit in his words, race is a performance where visual cues represent the first layer. The other layers compose of the symbolic differences that various groups associate with the physical markers of people. In the story, most white people have a distorted view of Black people because they view Black people as inferior to them. Zane Pinchback demonstrates race is constructed by layering phenotypic differences people …show more content…

Classifying others represents the first layer in viewing race. In the story, describing his undercover role, Zane Pinchback says, “Since white America refuses to see its past, they can’t really see me too well, either” (Johnson 18). He suggests that even though his outer appearance is white and thus he is classified as white, he has traits of being Black. He knows about the set of existing presumptions that white people make based on physical appearances, so they will not notice the subtleties of his blackness. Zane Pinchback manipulates race on this basis of biology. He demonstrates that biology is a constant factor that does not change in which meaning that people classify others based on skin color, but he indicates that the associations that people have with respect to a person’s biology encompasses race as a social construct. In Zane Pinchback’s journey, he sees the different variations of race from the difference associations that people

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