Quantification Of Money In Marx, Weber, Marx And Marx

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Simmel and Marx both talk about the quantification of human values in terms of money but their approach is slightly different. First considers money as a potent tool to objectify the value of labor whereas later understands the implication of quantifying human values calls it the need of the hour of a modern commerciWhile studying Dukheim, Weber, Marx and Simmel one finds overlapping and coinciding views at some points and diverging at others. Even though they worked in slightly different arenas but a basic unifying theme can be felt while studying their works and this theme looks like a rope of tug of war that at time is forcibly yanked towards individualism and in a few moments pressure increases from the society influencing individualist spheres. Following is a discussion of some of the overlapping and diverging spheres of work. Marx’s estrangement of worker and Durkheim’s anomic division of labor refer to somewhat similar ideas. In a society where capitalism dominates the way it functions, where private ownership of modes of production determines the profit one can earn, and accumulation of wealth in a few hands leads to separation of worker from his work. It can be categorized as the estrangement of worker from the product, his work, his identity as a human being and estrangement from the bourgeois (other members of the society). Worker finds product of his own work as an alien and hostile object, most of the time the price of the product is so high that he cannot even buy it for his own use. His work only means a means of survival for him that means less creativity and personal involvement in the work. Worker finds other members of the society who own means of the production as alien and hostile. He sees them enjoying the ... ... middle of paper ... ...eaning which individuals attribute to their actions” (Mazman 69, Weber, 1968: 29). Durkheim talks about the unfettered wants of the people, and society’s role in controlling these wants. In other words Durkheim is focusing on the society to shape the role of individual; and whatever part an individual plays is not limited to his/her own psychological or biological needs, it also bears the societal effect. Simmel and Marx both talk about the quantification of human values in terms of money but their approach is slightly different. First considers money as a potent tool to objectify the value of labor whereas later understands the implication of quantifying human values calls it the need of the hour of a modern commercial setting. Even though their co-incidence on this point is not explicit but one can infer an implicit similar pattern in their theories al setting.

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