Quality Assurance Strategy Questionnaire: Principal Quality Assurance Strategy Questionnaire

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Instrumentation. The research instruments for this study were developed by the researcher and are titled “Principals’ Quality Assurance Strategy Questionnaire “(PQASQ), “Teachers’ Role Performance Questionnaire (TRPQ) and Students’ Academic Performance Records Proforma” (SAPRP). The instruments are structured in Likert scale format of Strongly Agree (SA.), Agree (A), Strongly Disagree (SD), and Disagree (D), from which respondents are to tick as applicable to their opinion. It is divided into sections A and B. Section A contains personal information about the principals and teachers, while Section B contains information on variables of quality assurance strategy and teachers’ role performance in relation to students’ academic performance in …show more content…

The introduction letter will be presented at the schools to obtain permission for the administration of the questionnaire, as well as for the extraction of the results of students from records. The administration of the questionnaire will be done directly by the researcher with the aid of three research assistants who will be briefed on how to go about the exercise. After the questionnaires are filled by the respondents, they will be retrieved on the spot and kept away for …show more content…

Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software will be employed for the analysis. The researcher will employ the use of percentages and frequencies for demographic data, while mean scores and standard deviation will be used to answer the research questions. Hypotheses one will be tested using multiple linear regression (Being a test of relationship between two independent variables and the dependent variable). Hypotheses two and three will be tested using linear regression analysis (Being a test of relationship between one independent variable and the dependent variable). Hypotheses four and five will be tested using t-test statistic (Being a test of significant difference between two sets of measurement). Hypotheses six will be tested using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (Being a test of significant difference between more than two sets of

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