Importance Of A Team Leader

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In all sports, such as basketball, baseball, and soccer, there 's always one person who takes charge to lead the team and represent the coach. These team leaders have special qualities that are important for every leader, and can decide if the team has a good or bad season. To be a successful leader in your team you must develop this qualities.
Leaders take the responsibility of representing the coach. During a game, the team cannot always hear the coach. The team 's captain never loses control of the communication that happens on the court or field, especially between face offs. They take charge; remain positive, encouraging, aggressive and clear. Leaders make good decisions on and off the court. They Discourage teammates from starting rude …show more content…

Team leaders should possess an amazing work attitude. The actions and behaviors of the team 's leaders can be copied from other people. A team leader who is happy, because of a need that was met or a goal that was reached, with his skill level is a harmful one. Leaders are the first to practice and last to leave. They ask for help from the coach and their fellow teammates on a regular basis. They ask what they can do to improve their ability. They are seen during the off-season. Leaders give it their all. They Push themselves and others to do …show more content…

People regularly say that it takes time to "earn" the respect of others. I don 't think that 's true. A player should try to earn the respect of this coaches and fellow teammates on the first, or most important day of practice. Showing up early, displaying a mature way of behaving, a winning attitude, showing extreme skill, and a sense of responsibility are quick ways of earning the respect of your coach and teammate. Keeping this respect day by day, week after week, throughout the season separates the leaders from the other players. Respect is very delicate and breakable and can be broken at anytime. A player can lose the respect of his teammates and coaches with one careless comment or one stupid action. Earning and then keeping the respect is a very tough job that demands self-control, honesty, confidence, and a passion for

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