Pursuing An Aerospace Engineering Career

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There are many different careers that i could choose from but there is only one career that I

want. The career that i chose is truly the greatest career of them all. That career is aerospace

engineering.Aerospace engineering is the coolest and most interesting of all engineering majors.

Here are the reasons 1) it deals with my favorite subjects science,physics, and math. Another

reason is that it deals with and combines space crafts and air crafts

In order to be an Aerospace engineer i will have to be able to show four things

analytical skills,business skills, critical-thinking skills, math and writing skills.In order to

have all of those skills perfected I must first get passed high school. But even more to graduate …show more content…

In order

to accomplish those goals i will have to do simply do two simple task. I must do my work and

study as hard as i possibly can that way when i take my test for all my classes i get a 96%or higher.

I would like to go to many different types colleges and universities, but the

particular University i really want to go to is Stanford University. The main two reasons i chose

Stanford is because Stanford has a very good Aerospace Engineering program one of the best in

the America. Its also located in my favorite state,california which is nice,hot,sunny,and has a

subtropical type of environment. On average going to Stanford University cost $60,000 a year.

so for me i'll have to go to college for about four to seven years so that's about

$240,000-$420,000 a year which is a LOT of money. But for me i'm not going to have to pay at

all since 'm going to have a scholarship. while i'm in college i'm going to major in 4 things ;

chemistry,physics,calculus,and aerodynamics which are not very hard subjects i just have to

study and

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