Why I Want To Pursue A Graduate Degree

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Some people in life usually do not have any perceptions of what their professional career is all about before they get into it. Some, once they got in, do not have any desire or ambition of moving further to acquire more education in addition to what they already have. There are others whose life experiences have shaped their beliefs and have been the driving force for their dream career. My life experiences have been the driving force behind my dream about carrier in nursing and why I decided to further my education to pursue a graduate degree program. More so, having been in nursing filed and working side by side with other nurses and doctors and many other interdisciplinary health care team members at Johns Hopkins Hospital for quit sometimes …show more content…

I help out washing their clothing, bathing, dressing them, preparing their meals and feeding them as well. I tried helping out in any possible way as much as I could. While I was neither a nurse nor a doctor then, I see myself as one. In my mind I feel a sense of fulfillment when at the end of my stay I look into the eyes of those little ones whose mother either died during their delivery or who were rejected and dumped on the side of the street by someone, and see that I have been able to comfort them and make a difference in their lives. It gladdens my heart when at the end of the day I look and I see about 10 to 14 babies who were up in their crib crying when I came in the morning now resting quietly with smiles on their faces. I feel within me that those warming and caring touch of mine brought healing to their …show more content…

As a highly motivational individual who always seeks opportunity for advancement, and aspires to utilized those opportunities and what I have learned to teach, to educate and inspire others, I strongly believe that this graduate degree program would equipped me with the essential tools and skills necessary to accomplish this

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