Western And Western Puratology: The Scientific Study Of Primatology

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Primatology is the scientific study of primates and was first documented in the early 1940s. Scientists who study this area of science are usually specialists in other academic areas, such as: anatomy, anthropology, psychology, biology, zoology, and medicine. The study of primatology carries out research into biological and physical aspects of non-human primates (Lambert, K 1997).
By carrying out this research, scientists may be able to gain a better understanding of our own ancestors. Primatologists study both extinct and extant species of primates with the use of museums (looking at specimens and fossil records), laboratories, in the field and semi-free ranges – captive environments that are set up to be as close to a species natural environment …show more content…

Western primatology originates from Northern American and European scientists. Early investigations were conducted for medical research – using chimpanzees in studies to determine primate intelligence. Japanese primatology stems from animal ecology. Two scientists, Kinji Imanishi and Junichiro Itani, are credited as the founders of this focus of primatology. Imanishi originally studied horses before concentrating upon primate ecology; he was one of the founders of the Primate Research Group in 1950. Itani was a professor in anthropology, and co-founded the Primate Research Group along with Imanishi, as well as also founding the Centre for African Area Studies (Campbell, C …show more content…

Goodall is a Chimpanzee enthusiast with no university education. She worked for a world-leading primatologist, Louis Leakey. Her passion for the study of primates led him to provide funding for her to travel to Tanzania to study Chimpanzees in their natural habitat. Whilst there, she discovered that humans were not the only species with the intelligence to craft and use tools – she observed chimpanzees using sticks to catch termites from within their mounds. Jane spent many of her research years living with these primates, observing previously undocumented behaviours - such as the adoption of orphaned infants and inter-group conflict. Goodall founded the Jane Goodall Institute in 1977, which involves local people in the protection of Chimpanzees in Tanzania (Taub, B

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