Homeschooling Vs. Private School

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Everybody has an opinion about education and what method is the best. Homeschooling is a new class of education that is growing in popularity, public school is a type of education that has been around for several years and is most universally used, and private school is the other conventional form of education that some people still prefer over the other options. Nowadays, more and more parents are pulling their children out of ordinary school environments and have chosen to teach their children at home. Now more than ever, parents are confused about which type of education is the best for their children. Public school is a type of education that most people in the United States are the most comfortable with, simply because it has been around …show more content…

Even though private school is considered by many to be better than public school, it still has its flaws. Many parents cannot afford to send their children to private school because the tuition for a year in private school is the same as one semester in college. The price that parents pay to send their children to private school is not worth the education that they are getting. Even at private schools, there is bullying and drugs going on that any parent would not want their child to be exposed to. When parents enlist their children in a private school, they think they are avoiding the negative aspects that are associated with the public school system. However, this is not the case. Angela Baker, a stay at home mother of 5, who homeschools her daughter says, "The problem is the schools have abandoned their mission. They 've forgotten about educating" (Personal Interview). Many public or private schools have difficulties that can be avoided only with the option of a home school education. Although homeschooling is the newest alternative for education, this untraditional style of learning has a lot to …show more content…

Baker says, "I 'm a result of a Catholic grade school and then public high school education, and I feel like so much has been suppressed. It 's been more like a burden a lot of times" (Personal Interview). She says that she wants her children 's educational experience to be different from her own, "I want them to be able to learn, and think freely which some students can 't in public schools especially in private schools" (Personal Interview). Many parents, like Baker, feel that homeschooling is a better option for their children to receive the best educational

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