Public Bureaucracy: The Aspects Of Public Administration In The Holocaust

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Public administration is the implementation of government policy. It is also an academic discipline that studies this implementation and prepares civil servants for public service. It was high in demand during the 1930’s and early 1940’s. It is known as the “high noon of orthodoxy”, marked by the publication of Luther H. Gulick and Lyndall Urwick’s Papers on the Science of Administration in 1937. Suggested by some administrationalists, it should be the center of government bureaucracy. A bureaucracy is a body of non-elective group officials who are in control of the government policy. As part of the academic aspect, it prepares the person to serve in the executive branch of local, state, and federal government. It entails the specific …show more content…

The Nazi’s believed that the Jews were followers of an abhorrent religious doctrine and that were in control of too much influence in the economy, politics, and culture. Many of the decisions made by the Nazi’s when controlling the Jews in the concentrated camps were not official orders from Hitler himself; they felt as tough it would make him happy based on his views and so they carried them out.
Hitler’s views are an example of public administration and are able to be used to understand the Holocaust. In the world today, the Holocaust is referred to the most important conglomerate of information when referring to the discipline of public administration. The discipline became high in demand in the same years that the Holocaust occurred. Hitler was a non-elected official who was trying to create a dominant policy, which is the paradigm for bureaucracy.
Some individuals argue that there is conspiracy due to the fact that studies of public administration occurred at the same time as the Holocaust was a conspiracy. America intruded Germany in order to stop the Holocaust only after the demand of public administration began to decline. This argues the reason as to why the Holocaust is referred to as the “Archive of Public

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