Psychodynamic Frame Of Reference Case Study

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Based on the extent of Maggie’s mental health condition, it would be necessary to implement the Psychodynamic Frame of Reference. This Frame of Reference is appropriate due to Maggie’s diagnosis of major depressive disorder, and her previous history with generalized anxiety disorder. According to Cole and Tufano (2008), the Psychodynamic Frame of Reference is beneficial to clients who are wanting to improve in their social participation and relationships, emotional expression, and motivation for engagement, self-awareness, defense mechanisms, and projective mechanisms (p. 255-256). These are all factors which will assist Maggie in improving her mental health status. Having Maggie advance these factors in her life will enable her to participate in more activities, which may in turn improve her depressive symptoms. It is important for Maggie to continue participation in the activities she enjoys in order for her mental health to improve. While the Psychodynamic Frame of Reference is beneficial to Maggie, it is important for a therapist to follow a model as well to lead Maggie to gaining the largest …show more content…

According to Sladyk (2008), interventions following the Psychodynamic Frame of Reference often lead clients to gain awareness of themselves and release what is inside of them (p. 2). This being said, art would be appropriate for Maggie to participate in. Art would allow her to release her emotions, and learn more about herself. Having an intervention of art for therapy would not only relate to the Psychodynamic Frame of Reference, but it would also relate to CMOP-E. Art relates to this model because Maggie would be engaging in a client-centered activity, leading her to learn more about herself, which she would then realize what she enjoys and finds

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