Protein Supplements

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The typical American today consumes more than 50 percent of the daily recommended amount of protein needed. (Furman). What are protein supplements, and why does the body need extra if it already consumes enough protein required in our daily diets? Proteins are the building blocks of all living matter. When the protein powder comes from quality sources such as eggs, milk or soy. They contain all the essential amino acids (that are used to help build protein), which your body needs in order to function properly. (Acids). To fully understand proper protein consumption, one must know its positive and negative effects on the body as well as how to properly select a specific protein.
Many people question whether or not they are taking protein correctly. Then how much to take daily. It is recommended that 25 percent of your daily calorie intake should be protein (Protein). Protein intake can also be seen as 0.6 grams for every pound of weight on a person (Redenbaugh). There are exactly four calories per gram of protein that people ingest when they eat (Redenbaugh). Many people may not want to count the calories and do all of the math, another way people can figure out how much protein that they need, is by looking at the wrappers on food packages. The food label counts the protein in grams, so can just count the grams. The average woman needs forty-six grams a day (Protein). People can compare this to eating two three ounce pieces of chicken breast (Redenbaugh). Don’t worry by eating a healthy meal three times a day should have this covered (Redenbaugh). But when athletes take extra protein for a workout to build muscle they should take in only 60 grams at the most (Truth).
When athletes select their protein they need to know what they...

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"MedlinePlus - Health Information from the National Library of Medicine." U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 2 Nov. 2013. .
"Four Reasons You Should be Using Protein for Muscle Building." / Fitness / Strength Training. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Nov. 2013. .
"Protein." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 5 Oct. 2012. Web. 2 Nov. 2013. .
Taylor, Mark. "Choosing a Protein Powder - Nutrition Express Articles." Nutrition Express. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Nov. 2013.

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