Implication Of Prostitution

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This essay will explore the question of whether prostitution should be seen as a job like any other through several key issues relating to the sex trade industry. The argument against prostitution as a job for women will be supported by various feminist theories. By following the discourse of prostitution as a chosen profession by women and the implication of the choice in the society, this essay will provide academic findings in answering the key issues in the sex workers profession. This essay will discuss the politics of women’s choice through prostitution and how feminist views have influenced it. The moral aspects of prostitution will be highlighted as well. The relationship of violence and abuse with prostitution is another key findings …show more content…

In most cases, prostitution is not a conscious and calculated choice (MacKinnon). Most women who become prostitutes do so due to force or coercion by human trafficking or a pimp. When it is an independent decision, it is usually the result of extreme poverty and lack of opportunity, or other underlying problems such as drug addiction and past trauma, that drives women to choose prostitution to make ends meet (Farley 1998). MacKinnon (2009) argues that in prostitution, women have sex with men they would otherwise never have sex with. The money acts as a form of force, acting like physical force does in rape (MacKinnon 2009). True consent in prostitution is not possible. As mentioned by Barbara Sullivan (2010), prostitution is always a coercive sexual practice whether it is economic or physical coercion that makes the sexual consent of sex works highly problematic if not impossible. Abolitionists believe no individual can be said to truly consent to their own oppression and no one should have the right to consent the oppression of others. Kathleen Barry (1995) theorised that there is no effective measurement to the degree of consent as oppression, just like slavery, has some consent if consent is defined as inability to see or find any …show more content…

Prostitution is often argued as a consequence of gender inequality (Hoffman 1997). MacKinnon agree that sexual liberation for women outside of prostitution is important in the fight for gender equality but it is crucial for the society to not replace one patriarchal view, for example that women should not have sex outside marriage or a relationship, with another similar oppressive patriarchal view. By accepting prostitution, a sexual practice that is based on a patriarchal construction of female sexuality, the society condemns sexual pleasure of women irrelevant and that her role during sex is to submit to the man’s sexual demand and control. Women become yet another submissive gender as she has to do what her customer tells her and her response or satisfaction is left neglected. Sexual liberation for women cannot be fulfilled as long as the society normalise unequal sexual practices where a man dominates a woman (Hoffman

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