Pros And Cons Of Youth Offenders

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According to Federal Bureau of investigations “Youth commit only a small portion of the nation 's crime. For example, in 2009, 11% of violent crime clearances and 17% of the property crime clearances nationwide only involved youths.” This means that in the year of 2009 most crimes were committed by youths . A big number of youth offenders have been sentenced as adults and sent to adult prisons. According to Equal Initiative System “Fourteen states have no minimum age for trying children as adults. Children as young as eight have been prosecuted as adults.” As days go by the youth offenders continue to commit crimes and the percentage keeps rising, they do so because they get a weedier punishment than adults do. Youth offenders can also find it difficult interacting with the older offenders. Once a youth offender is placed in jail or prison he or she will have to adapt to things around them and will …show more content…

They will have to get used to the different types of groups there is in prison. Some jails or prisons usually make their groups by color, race, and by their gangs. In jail there will be gangs and since the youth offenders are new some gang’s members might want to take advantage of them or they will be asked to join the gangs but there are certain things they have to do before entering a gang. The youth offenders don 't have to interact with those types of people but sometimes it will be hard to get along with others. Depending on the crime the youth offenders did others might take it offensive. Something a youth offender should never do is snitch on someone even if they have been hurt or involved in a beating.. Snitching on someone will eventually come back but with consequences. Something a youth offender should do is respecting the other offenders. The youth offenders will find it difficult to adjust to the people around them because not everyone in prison is

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