Pros And Cons Of Welfare In The United States

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Every year thousands of Americans are supported under a program called Welfare. Welfare is defined as “state regulated programs for those who live under the minimum accepted level” (Welfare Programs), or people that do not make enough money to support themselves as an individual or their family. Families or individuals receive special benefits that help them live a normal everyday life. Welfare is not only giving out money to people, it is helping afford groceries, paying for utilities such as running water or electricity, and even medical assistance. The program started around the 1930’s after the Great Depression hit. Due to the high numbers of individuals and families that were unable to support themselves, Welfare was created. Although there are many positive and amazing things that come out of Welfare, there are many flaws in the system. People who go without Welfare have complained over time that the system is being cheated and people are getting more than they really deserve. Although it has been said, the Welfare system has not changed much over the years. Recently People have been wondering, how fair, is the actual Welfare program. …show more content…

People can cheat and lie their way into getting more money or benefits easily. One of the biggest debates of the Welfare program is the idea that people who use drugs are supported by welfare. When action was taking to uncover the mystery of whether or not participants of Welfare use drugs the results were somewhat shocking. There were people that passed, people that failed, and a large number of people that didn’t even show up. (Larson). The results and the turnout had shown that there is some flaw and that there are people making their way into the system under the use of illegal drugs. Allowing people to live under the welfare system while involved in drugs is a major issue and all around unfair to anyone else trying to make their way under the program as

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