Pros And Cons Of The Patriot Act

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Under the US Patriot Act, or Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism, I believe citizens have only been put in danger. The Patriot Act was created to keep terrorism at bay and to launch The United States of America forward. However, it has done nothing but set us back. How can we live in a country where everyone is a suspected criminal? I believe that The Patriot Act does not help control terrorism. Instead, it undermines us as loyal citizens and is a way for the government to abuse their power over the citizens. How are we really free as Americans when our government is keeping a very watchful eye on us? Almost too watchful. The government has access to almost everything. As much as I love being an American I don’t think the US Government is perfect. What if the the government makes a mistake? What if they are really accusing the wrong people? It looks as though the government is resorting to old tactics that will be discussed further in this essay. The Patriot Act is a faulty document that puts the lives of Americans at risk. I also believe that the Patriot Act was put together way too quickly after the tragic event the stirred the nation and brought fear to many peoples hearts on September 11th, 2001. We all believed that our nation had fallen to the ground and there was no way of coming back. However, the government drew up The Patriot Act 45 days after the attacks. Congress seemed to have forgotten the constitutional rights that we were given by our founding fathers a long time ago. The Patriot Act goes against numerous constitutional rights that we have. This including our first, fourth, and sixth amendment rights. As one of the founding fathers, Benjamin... ... middle of paper ... ...American if they want to, without a trial. Under the Library Provisions in Section 215 of the Patriot Act, government agents can get records from librarians, internet service providers, social work agencies, and schools. If an agent thinks that someone is checking out certain books, looking on certain websites, that lead to terrorism, they can make it into a case. They can do this even if they believe the person is a terrorist or not. In conclusion, I believe that the US Patriot Act is putting the United States’s citizens in danger. Accusing and arresting innocent people who are not terrorists will end up making people turn against each other. The government is casting a net so big that it catches not only the bad people, but the good as well, all in the name of 6National Security. Are we really living in a nation that believes in “Liberty and Justice for all?”

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