Pros And Cons Of The Declaration Of Independence

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Jefferson, Thomas. The Declaration Of Independence. 02 July 1776. What Thomas Jefferson meant by the terms “unalienable rights” and “self-evident truths” is that since all men are created equally, they are entitled to their freedom, to do such that makes them happy and that they own the right to live. Each and every person has the right to select or vote who governs him or her and also have the right to remove who is already in power. “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” (3). Each individual should not have their rights taken away from them to chose who they believe will lead their nation in the right direction and will act or show care and thought for their future. Jefferson emphasizes …show more content…

The use of Logos is more apparent throughout the declaration when referring to the traditional categories of proof. He stated the harsh events that took place, the mistreatment of the people and the unfairness of the governing king and much more. He also that about the people not being allowed to elect who they believe will be beneficial to them as a nation and who will help to secure their future. “For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world: For imposing Taxes on us without our consent” (21-22). He also talks about other events where they were declared out of the king’s protection and waging war against them. In the declaration Pathos goes hand in had with the use of logos. Jefferson stated facts (logos) that were also used to develop the logical proof Ethos. “He has plundered our seas, ravage our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people,” is one example used to shed light to Supreme Judge of the world what is happening to the U.S people with the hope of getting some sympathy for him and his people. Ethos came into effect due to his credibility of being a respected lawyer and his immense abilities in articulating the colonial position for independence. He also gained credibility from his experience as an American living in …show more content…

The development of American public education, use the major principles of the Declaration of Independence to create the laws that are now required for educational standards in Massachusetts. “A central purpose behind the development of American public education was to educate upcoming generations about the ideals that bind us together as a nation. Other countries are bound by common racial, ethnic or religious backgrounds. In the United States, it 's our fidelity to civic ideals like liberty, equality and the rule of law”

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