Proposition 1: Spinoza´s Proof For God's Existence

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1. Spinoza’s Proof for God’s existence God is by defined as, “a substance consisting of infinite attributes” in Proposition 11. Spinoza presents 3 Axioms based off his definitions to prove God’s existence. They are as follows: “(e)verything that exists, exists either in itself or in something else”, “(t)hat which cannot be conceived through anything else must be conceived though itself”, and “(t)hat from a given definite cause an effect necessarily follows”. He uses these, along with his Propositions and Definitions to argue God’s existence in four steps. Firstly, he establishes the uniqueness of a substance. Spinoza uses Definition 3 to prove Proposition 1, 2 and 4, by explaining that that an effect always follows a cause and if there is no cause, it is impossible for an effect to follow. If things do not have anything in common, we cannot use them to understand other things, making them separate. Spinoza further distinguishes the uniqueness of substances in Proposition 1 by using Definition 5 as proof to show that if conception of one thing does not involve the conception of the other thing, substances can be by nature prior to its affections. By proving these Prepositions, he concludes that two substances, which have different attributes and share no cause and effect, have nothing in …show more content…

In Proposition 7 and 8, Spinoza solidifies that this abstract idea of primary substance must exist. If the One Substance cannot be created by anything external, and we know things exist, then this One Substance must exist. If we assume that substances can be finite and infinite, then the One Substance must be infinite for nothing else can limit it. This One Substance refers to "God", which is made clear in Proposition 11. God 's ultimate essence must contain all other attributes and can influence modes in the material world. This Original Substance is infinite and everything that exists is in God 's

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