Proper Colon Health Care

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Proper colon care is essential for good health and increasing your longevity. The body is amazing and complex; it also has the capacity to heal itself if given the proper tools. In spite of the many toxins and chemicals we bombard our bodies with on a daily basis, they still serve us well and deserve to be treated well.

Even the philosophers of ancient Greece knew that good health starts in the gut. Many individuals upon letting their grandmother know they felt ill have been met with embarrassingly personal questions about their bowel movements. One would think the medical industry would have caught up to these long-known truths, but our society keeps getting sicker rather than healthier. The wise men and women knew, even so long ago, that proper health starts in the colon.

Colon Care: What Is It?

The colon makes up the lower portion of the digestive tract. Its function is to absorb nutrients, vital nutrients and minerals and water from the digested matter. Many health experts believe the colon should be eliminated two to four times a day. If you think of a newborn or younger baby, they pass stool after almost every meal. What goes in, should come out; the unused and unnecessary portion, at least. Many individuals experience poor health, lack of energy and headaches due to an improperly functioning colon. Retained fecal matter in the colon leads to the body absorbing toxins which can result in overloading the body with systemic poisoning. Proper colon care can eliminate this toxic build-up and help treat or prevent a wide variety of ailments.

One of the best ways of eliminating toxins from the colon is by fasting. There are various fasting programs available. Water fasts are not recommended for beginners as it can be hard on your kidneys as massive stores of toxins are flushed out. Juice fasting, or juice feasting as it is commonly called, is a much easier and gentler process. It consists of drinking only live juices, water and herbal detox tea for a pre-determined time period. This allows the body to shut off its digestive system while still allowing you to consume vital nutrients necessary for healing. When the body's digestive system shuts down, it can use that energy to remove toxins and heal the body. In addition to fasting, enemas and colon hydrotherapy can also help eliminate toxins and restore proper functioning to the colon.

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