Propaganda - An Essay.

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The foul stench of corporatist spiel responsible in the terrible genocide can still be smelt by the families of the 100,000 and more farmers who committed suicide after having forced to grow BT cotton, the genetically modified seeds supplied by American MNC Monsanto. Critical opinions on the Indian government when it comes to handling the issue of farmer suicides describe it as an apathetic one. As of 2009, 87% of India’s cotton land still cultivates the BT cotton. The lack of blame on Monsanto or any kind of valid coverage by the Indian Media and the apathetic reactions of the government clearly indicates the vast influence Monsanto as a corporation exercises over not just the media but the government at the same time, lobbying their way out of otherwise having the guilt of over a 100,000 dead Indian farmers.
Such blatant cases of misgivings are hardly a rare sight in the cesspool that the Indian media is. And we are a spoilt bunch of junkies. Junkies so hopped on to smoking a pile of irrelevant garbage and dying for a fix every now and then anyway because otherwise, the tolerance bleeds us dry from the inside.
When you expect to be looking for propaganda of any sort, you convince yourself to look harder and deeper into the more profound side of things in order to identify the untrue, because you are rightly expecting subliminal overtones. Especially when the case deals with the resignation of the only editor who was from outside the family that owns a 135 year old, well respected newspaper with a circulation of almost 1.5 million everyday in a country as vast as India and was made editor on the recommendation of the enigmatic ex-editor of the Hindu, Narasimhan Ram himself.
And I am sure it was surprising to Siddharth Varadaraj...

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...ers and workers in Delhi were forced to instead consume heroin as an alternative to their self-medication desires. This is one instance where the Gateway Drug Theory holds its place and does a good job at proving how ineffective, and that is an understatement, the whole law is.
Propaganda works the same way Persuasion does. It is not something that tells one outright, to believe or vouch in something, but it instead convinces them through its charm till the idea is imbibed in the mind and becomes just another part of normal reality. History serves as the best teacher because it shows how throughout mankind’s feeble existence, mass indoctrination has served the most appealing method for gaining absolute and complete Power. Religion is a perfect example. But like someone once rightly said, the only thing we learn from History is that we do not learn anything at all.

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