Project Cycle Essay

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According to project management institute, a project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. Project is unique in a sense that it is not a day to day operation, instead it is a specific set of operations designed to complete an specific goal (“What is project management?,” 2016). A project is any unique venture which consists of a beginning and an end, carried out by people in order to meet predefined targets with parameters of cost, schedule and quality. In any project, there is temporary assembling of people and resources that are given specific objectives to complete within fixed budget and fixed time period. Hence, project can be defined as an organized work or a unique and risky venture, planned towards completing defined tasks or goals like social or economic goals, that requires resources, budget and time and performances (Field & Keller, 1997). Many characteristics such as predefined …show more content…

Explain what is meant by the “Project Cycle’” and why is it important. A project is always completed in stages not a single phase. Every project has a beginning phase, a middle phase during which project activities move towards completion and an ending phase. These different phases of project are categorized into 4 phases namely defining, planning, execution and closure. When these phases are taken together, the project takes a definitive path from its beginning to ending, which is known as project cycle or project life cycle (Watt, 2014). By this definition, it is clear that a project has a beginning and an end and passes through other different phases of development in between. Although these phases vary depending upon different types of project, they all follow the same basic steps. This project cycle is important since a clear understanding of these steps allows project managers and executives to maintain control of the project more efficiently (“Project management - what is a project life cycle project management,”

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