Professionalism: The Seven Core Values In Physical Therapy

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Professionalism is a broad term defined as the competence or skill expected of a professional and entails several key components when broken down. One can practice professionalism in a variety of settings such as school, sports, volunteering, research, and work. According to the APTA professionalism reflects seven main core values within the physical therapy profession: accountability, altruism, compassion/caring, excellence, integrity, professional duty, and social responsibility. I have come to understand what it means to be professional and further developed a sense of professionalism through various experiences throughout my life including school, work, research and observation. I will continue to exemplify/reflect these values as a student of physical therapy as well. The core values of accountability and integrity were understood and developed at a young age for me. In school I learned the importance of …show more content…

In order to be successful and strive for the best professional you can be in your area, one needs to possess and actively practice excellence, integrity, altruism, compassion, accountability as well as encompass their professional and social responsibilities. As a rehabilitation technician at the Cleveland Clinic, a previous student of pre-Physical Therapy degree, and as an observer in the therapy field, I try my best to excel in all the areas of professionalism mentioned. Working alongside licensed therapists and other hospital staff as well as with DPT professors throughout my research, I have really been ‘shown the ropes’ and able to experience such great(better word here) examples of professionalism first hand. I strive(different synonym) to be great therapists like them and realize that it all starts and stems from being professional as a student in a doctor of physical therapy degree program

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