Process Essay: How To Start A Car

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It isn't important that you know what this part does as long as you know you have to adjust it when you start the car and again as you run the car. The spark advance is a lever just under the left side of the steering wheel. There is a metal ring that curves down under the steering wheel to the center bottom. The ring has notches in it to help you keep the lever in the correct position. To start the car this lever is ALWAYS pushed up to the 9:00 position as far away from you as possible. As soon as the car starts you pull this lever down (towards you) about ⅓ of the way and as the engine runs faster, you keep pulling it down towards the 6:00 position. It doesn't need to be adjusted constantly but before you turn the engine off ALWAYS push the lever full up and when you start the car ALWAYS have the lever full up. Straight Screwdriver A tool for opening paint cans. Sometimes used to convert common slotted screws into non-removable screws. Throttle or Gas …show more content…

Well in a Model T you operate the throttle by hand. It is the lever on the right side under the steering wheel. When you want the engine to run slow or idle, you push the throttle away from you. Most engines will stall if you put the throttle full up so you will want the throttle lever to be toward you 4 or 6 notches when you start the car or are sitting still and not driving the car. To drive faster, pull the throttle lever toward you and to slow down, push the lever forward or away from you. It is said that when a mule is running as hard and fast as it can go, it's ears are folded back on it's head. When a Model T is running as fast as it can, both levers (advance and gas) are pulled back as far as they will go much like the position of the mules

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