Pro choice vs pro life

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The debate between pro-choice and pro-life has been going on for quite a while now, and will continue to do so. The pro-choice side fighting for the women’s right to abortion and pro-life fighting for the fetus’ life. In the book How the Pro-Choice Movement Saved America : Freedom, Politics, and the War on Sex Christina , Page talks about abortion and all other topics that go hand in hand with it such as sex and contraception to evaluate their effect on the American culture in the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries. Ultimately, Page comes to the conclusion that “abortion isn’t the keystone issue anymore. It’s birth control and, more to the point, Americans’ sex lives”(3) that the pro-lifers are going after. Page’s book effectively illustrates the challenges between the pro-life movement and the pro-choice movement and their impacts that have shaped America to be the way it is today. With regards to Page’s conclusion , I agree, the Pro-life movement ultimately has a problem with America’s acceptance of sex. Page starts off her the first chapter entitled, “ Rights in Jeopardy,” with reported cases around the country were pharmacists refused to fill prescriptions for emergency contraceptives or birth control because their religious beliefs and/or stances against abortion. Pages presents these cases, which all happened in 2004, to illustrate how pro-lifers try to enforce their views and lifestyles on the people around them and how that is putting women’s right to use contraception and have legal abortions in danger. Page proclaims, “Pro-life groups are not merely antiabortion and anti– birth control. They are against sex and the sex lives the vast majority of Americans enjoy.” (30) This shows that pro-lifers are ultimatel... ... middle of paper ... to people is that abortion is just one of the things that the pro-life movement opposes. After reading the book I understand that the pro-life movement is simply against sex being recreational whether before marriage or after marriage. To them sex is for procreation only. I never knew how deep this idea stemmed. I thought that pro-life simply meant wanting to give every life beginning a chance. It is clear that when it comes to the pro-choice movement, they are fighting for women rights to not only abortion but for birth-control, as well as Emergency Contraceptive. It is beyond clear that the world without Roe vs. Wade would be extremely different from it is now, and that difference is not positive. Works Cited Page, Christina. How the Pro-Choice Movement Saved America : Freedom, Politics, and the War on Sex. New York, NY, USA: Basic Books, 2006. Print.

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