Pro And Negative Effects Of Outsourcing

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Outsourcing has become a predominant issue among many domesticated American companies. Unlike the popular opinion which supports outsourcing, transferring American work to foreign countries have serious lasting consequences on the American economy. High unemployment is one of the major contributions that arises from sending manufacturing and labor jobs overseas. The lack of available work has a slippery slope effect on many other occurring problems that Americans face today. With less available work opportunities, many foreign students that complete their graduate coursework often return to their home country, applying their knowledge learned from with the United States. As a result, there is less of a potential employee pool to choose from in a tight market. Outsourcing is popular with American business due to many benefits such as lower wages, low regulatory costs, tax benefits, …show more content…

Foreign countries such as India and Russia who employ manufacturing laborers have cheaper and easier operations due to simpler administrative requirements, as well as lower operating costs and wages. Numerous companies invest in low maintenance producers and import manufactured goods. However, unemployment rates rise as potential jobs are sent overseas. There is no estimation of when developing countries will raise wages. Inevitably, outsourcing displaces more American workers out of jobs, leaving many with very limited prospects for landing a job. When industry moves offshore, not only do we lose the knowledge, we also lose the manufacturing capacity. For example, the U.S. was once the leader in solar cell manufacturing, but most American solar technology companies have set up new plants in countries that offer substantial incentives, such as Germany. The manufacturing capacity is shot. If the U.S. ever wanted to expel these types of industries, it would take years to re-develop the manufacturing equipment and train

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