Principles Of Job Enrichment Case Study

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the HIS article the principles of goal setting are apparent for various different reasons. A clear goal is one that can be measured and leaves no room for any type misunderstanding, the goal of this case is indicated in the introduction paragraph of what they would like the organization to achieve. It also leaves for one to understand what the outcome will be at the end of the exercise. As with most goals it also becomes a challenge. Employees are more likely to be motivated with a challenge or a goal, as one could understand. However you must ensure you have a balance and the goal has to be at least achievable. Another important part of the goal setting is a commitment. In the article, there is a strong commitment from the organization …show more content…

As a manager you need to ensure that your employees have time to reach to go and have the tools and support to they require. · How are the principles of job enrichment applied in this case? Employees are very important part to the success of the organization. They are the front line worker bees to help the organization achieve its overall mission and values. Utilizing principles of job enrichment can assure you have very active and engaged employees within your organization. In the attached article there are many references throughout which indicate that the organization is giving the tools and resources to the employees to achieve said results. One of the statements indicates that the “managers have the authority” to do job redesign within their respective organizations. Another statement: “health information managers and directors may affect changes some or all of the levels based upon the analysis of the indicators for …show more content…

However, the most extensive challenges, reengineering and restructuring, are typical initiatives of upper administration. The above statement clearly defines and outlines what authority the directors and managers and employees have within the organization. “Managers and directors of HIS department should routinely and periodically assess work in jobs for alignment with current processes.” Once again this statement clearly defines the step by step process for the respective manager or director. In this document it is easy for one to ascertain who can do what when and where. “Prior to beginning the project or realignment, managers and directors should obtain the approval of their superiors, the support of the Department human resources, and the buying of the departmental employees. The superior’s approvals important because a project may result in a long-term plan to change the department’s composition in terms of credentials, educational levels or both” This is yet another example of the step-by-step process that the applicable manager or director would employ. · What were the outcomes of job enrichment in the HIS Departments? The article lists the following as the outcomes for the HIS department. Allows workers the freedom to schedule tasks or self-respect

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