Pret A Manger Case Study

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1. Teams are an essential part of the leading facet of the P-O-L-C framework. Looking at the team role typology, how might you categorize the roles played by the members of Pret in this case?
• The P-O-L-C framework, has been a reoccurring topic in these case studies and has been used to describe management processes throughout the book. P-O-L-C stands for, planning, organizing, leading and controlling, which is an exceptional framework for companies to establish themselves and keep them afloat. The discussion in this case, Pret A Manger, involves the teamwork that Pret builds itself on. In 1986, Pret A Manger started planning their company with a vision and mission to provide healthy, inexpensive food while avoiding preservatives and chemicals, as well as establishing a well-oiled team structure. In the organizing section of the framework, Pret designed its company to be able to provide for their customers for a low price, but …show more content…

While working at Pret, employees have the chance to move up and be promoted with hard work, and often rewarded with a bonus. In most companies, in order to keep its employees, incentives and motivation are a must, which is exactly what Pret does. As a Pret team member, they have the opportunities for growth and benefits, which have led to their management team being made up of over 50% of previous team members. (Pret) As an employee of Pret, it takes more than just showing up and working your shift, “Pret doesn’t merely want its employees to lend their minds and bodies; it wants their souls, too. It will not employ anyone who is “here just for the money.”” (New

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