Abraham Lincoln: The Worst President

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When it comes to United States Presidents, everyone has an opinion of each president’s effectiveness. It takes character and talent to hold up to the stress of the White House. One aspect of a leader that measures their effectiveness is their capability to handle a crisis; another is their ability to make decisions for the betterment of whomever they lead, while still taking in all opinions. One example of an extremely effective president that successfully used those qualities was Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln entered office in the worst possible way; half of the nation that had not elected him was so outraged that they had rebelled rather than submit to his authority (he was threatened with assassination before he had even taken office) …show more content…

President in U.S. history. No President ever has shown such an uncaring disregard for civil liberties as Abraham Lincoln (The Worst President of The United States). He suspended the writ of habeas corpus and ordered the arbitrary arrest of more than fifteen thousand Northern civilians, Lincoln himself admitted that he would "follow forms of law as far as convenient” (The Worst President of The United States). This view fails to recognize that Lincoln had “expunged America’s original sin of slavery”, realigned the balance of power in the federal government and given the nation “a new birth of freedom” (Jamieumbc). Lincoln only did the things he had to in order to preserve the Union and win the Civil War with the smallest amount of deaths for both sides as possible; due to those actions, he was one of the most effective presidents ever.
Abraham Lincoln was probably the most effective U.S. President. Everyone has an opinion of each president’s effectiveness; but, Lincoln’s achievements while in office show his effectiveness. He was able to make a tough decision in a time of crisis, and work to preserve the Union while taking into account every side’s perspective on the issue of slavery. He demonstrated his ability to make decisions for the betterment the nation, and even when under pressure made the decisions that needed to be done. Abraham Lincoln was an effective

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