Power Control: The Instability Of The Power System

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Transient stability was detected as a threat in power system since 1920. In the earlier stage the problems were concerned with the far away situated generating unit supplying the load centers with long overhead transmission lines. The importance of this phenomenon was increased due to lots of blackouts. The industries were the most concerning with these kind of problem because interruption in the supply leads them into losses. It was one of the most dangerous problems on the system. As continue progress of the power system begins Instability of various kind, implementation of new technologies, tough operating condition have been developed. Power system stability had become a important topic in which voltage stability, inter area oscillation and frequency stability have more of concern. A deep understanding of different kinds of faults and their prone to unstable condition and how they are related to each other are very important to design and implementation of the power system. For analyzing power system stability, graphical methods like power circle diagram and equal area criterion ...

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