Poverty vs. Equality and the Foreclosure Crisis

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Imagine a world of poverty. A world of dirt, garbage, filth, people who do not care about the planet they live on. One uses a cardboard box to inhabit because it just doesn’t matter anymore. It does not matter, as in the mold infested homes are unsafe to be inhabited. The world has been bulldozed down to flat land. We’ve gone backwards, not forwards. We live like Neanderthals who are in constant competition for natural resources. Philosophers and geniuses’ like Hobbes, Kant, and Einstein never existed. We have nothing but sickness and disease. This may seem far-fetched, but this is how some foreign third world countries live. I can only imagine.

Imagine a world of equality, a world of trust and security between neighbors. Each rich man gives a little to the not so poor man just because he knows it’s the justified thing to do. Each person has a home, or someone to stay with. Playing outdoors is not a worry anymore because parents have confidence and crime issues are illicit. College is back in the picture for many adolescents because money isn’t a problem. It is the epitome of a near perfect society. I can only imagine.

Are these two scenarios out of the picture for the United State of America? I would hope that scenario one would be out as we are a bit more advanced then the poorest of the poor third world countries. Scenario two, however, is going to take some work. It’s doable, but only if each and every citizen lends a huge helping hand. These scenarios are directly associated with the foreclosure crisis as they both have the same “security” issues. This foreclosure crisis is a problem that is eminent, and will continue if drastic measures are not taken. People are afraid, because of this crisis, to gamble with their mo...

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...age of it. If we could bring that back, and open it up to not only first time homebuyers, but investors and third and fourth time home buyers, we would have justice.

Citizens of the United States of America adore the term rich. Spending their money on something that is over priced upsets Americans so much that they cease their buying to make a stance and start a movement, or what we would call the economic crisis. If we could give the people what they want, a home and being able to keep their hard earned riches, we would finally have a sane nation once again. Lower taxes, give incentives, don’t have such a high restriction to the people who want to buy a home but their credit rating is just under the mark. Giving options and keeping it fair to the millions of homebuyers, will kick start our community and bring peace to this beautiful nation once again.

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