Poverty in the United States

886 Words2 Pages

It certainly seems peculiar how so much disparity exists among the haves and have-nots in the country that leads the free world. The high level of poverty in the United States coupled with the disparaging rates of income are at times hard to comprehend. How can a country of such great wealth and power also be a country of vast poverty? Poverty will always be evident in the United States to some extent. However, minimizing poverty and income inequality will be conducive to the well being of the United States.
Numerous organizations are assisting those in need. Then why does the United States have so many people poverty stricken? Some blame the impoverished themselves while others blame the wealthy, the economic system, and other facets of society. Regardless, poverty is a reality no matter where the blame lies.
In society today, everything is about the “now”. Everyone wants something instantaneously. Because of the desire for instant gratification, people are overcome by what they desire which causes them to quench their yearnings by obtaining what they want. For example, an individual that has just graduated from high school and he wants money, so he gets a job at a fast-food chain instead of pursuing a college degree. He wants money now and does not want to pay for college even though he would be making more money over his lifetime in his profession than he does at the fast food-chain.
Instant gratification is extremely evident in the poverty stricken population of the United States. Because of this, poverty has turned into a vicious cycle. How a parent acts influences how his or her child will act. The cycle continues. Although an individual makes the choice of instant gratification, society, through the actions ...

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... is detrimental to the impoverished because even though they are living off of charity and welfare programs, they are still purchasing unnecessary goods such as smartphones, expensive sneakers, and expensive clothes. Because of this purchasing, there is no money left over to save. To get out of poverty, one must save money. This consumption is why the cycle of poverty continues. To break this cycle, the government and organizations need to change the way they provide for the poor.
The problems of high poverty and income inequality exist due to apathy and disengagement with reality. This disparity needs to correct because if not, it will lead to the destruction of society. The problems are best corrected through teaching efforts focused on job training, furthering education, delayed gratification, emphasis on marrying later in life, and control of consumption.

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