Zimbabwe Essay

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Africa is the second largest and populous continent in the world, after Asia. With abundant resources, instead of thriving, Africa has experienced serious problems, especially poverty. The Republic of Zimbabwe has been pointed as the state that is among the poorest countries in the world in 2011 according to The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFDA, 2011). The poverty of Zimbabwe has been the result of economic crises, along with political conflicts and environmental degradation. In this essay, I will examine the level of poverty in Zimbabwe and the reason why their dilemma is still continuing.

Located in Southern Africa, between South Africa and Zambia, the Republic of Zimbabwe covers 386,847 square kilometers of land …show more content…

Those agencies will help Zimbabwe identify their problems as well as develop a long-term anti-poverty program if the government and those agencies work closely together. For example, when the government asks the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, a report, which is an issues paper, will be made on the major issues. Such paper is like a plan and it includes all the recommendations of experts and representatives from the non-governmental organizations and other agencies (FAO, 1990). Having known well from the start, Zimbabwe should provide all the background information on country’s land resources and related issues such as the effects the land reform program so that a set of land conservation, rehabilitation policies, program strategies and future projects will be made to address the issues. By joining the scheme, according to FAO (1990), all the players get benefits such as sustainable agriculture, farming risks reduced, farm incomes increased, slow down in rate of migration to cities, food security increased, improvement in quality and quantity of water supplies, reduced flooding in valleys, increase in life of large reservoirs and improvement in land resources and environment leading to better living …show more content…

Retrieved October 3, 2011 from https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/zi.html
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