Poverty And Poverty

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There are many factors of poverty but before getting into that I would like to state that being rich is not just about having money. You can be rich in health, you can be rich in character, and you can even be rich in the love you receive or provide. Many, take for granted of the small things that can’t be purchased. When all of the materialistic things are gone, all you’ll have left is the person you have become and the soul you keep. Poverty has been around for quite some time, back when agriculture was as rich as technology is now. Let’s face it technology has consumed America. I say America because if you go to a third world country many don't have the luxury of ever coming close to owning an iPhone, you’ll mention iPhone and they’ll stare at you in awe. IPhone is a great example of how profound poverty in America continues to be. The sales for the iPhone 4 devices sold were 1.5 Million! There were people purchasing this new device when they knew they could not afford it. What drove them to buying? The needs to have the newest technology, there’s a difference from the wants you buy and the things you need. 9 out of 10 of the things you want are to feed your satisfaction, who am I to judge who buys what, but when you can’t pay rent or buy diapers for your child and use your welfare money or child support money then who is morally wrong? In the following pages I will be covering the causes of poverty, along with various topics from childhood poverty to spouse divorcing poverty that David Cheal has outlined for us in his notable book New Poverty: Families in Postmodern society and the changes from old poverty into new poverty.

First and foremost, the first factor in poverty covers the Economic life course; the capacity of a ma...

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...t 11%, women poverty at 10.8% and the percentage of single parent families with related children that are below poverty is at a high 28%. To many these numbers might not mean the end of the world, but it sure should be an eye opener. What can we do to drop these numbers; it starts with the man sitting in that senator seat following with the mayor. Recently, news has spread that Christie has road blocked the proposals to legalize pot in New Jersey. That’s a very interesting topic, see California tried it and they seemed to be just fine with it. Taxing it can only benefit the state and those who are already rich. That’s one proposal that New Jersey has come to a cross roads on, but it’s trying. As for job employment, and trying to stay away from poverty, we need these small business owners who are giving out the jobs just as much as we need industries or companies.

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