Postcolonism And Post Colonialism

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Nowadays, the global division of labour between countries, followed by the resource extraction in the Third World countries, specificity of the world’s economy and migration are showing largely inherited contours of the old colonial order. Thus, a debate regarding the question of whether a contemporary world is postcolonial or not is arising. The purpose of this essay is to critically discuss and analyse the debate, focusing firstly on a brief summary of postcolonial ideas and the concept of decolonization; secondly, the question will be discussed from the perspectives of neo-colonialism and new imperialism as those theories maintain the existence of the new forms of colonialism and argue for the continuation of dominion politics on the …show more content…

Colonies obtained sovereignty and became officially regarded as independent states. Thus, after each state gained independence they were transferred to the post-colonial era, when the countries were to rule and develop themselves. However, postcolonialism itself is a problematic concept which varies in its definitions and has its limits when described by one or the other author, as most of them do not clearly refer to a specific context or period of colonisation. On top of that, there are problems of periodization, territorialisation, within the term which leaves no answers for questions of the duration of a period itself (Southall & Melber, 2009: 7). Postcolonial theory will be used throughout the essay defined as a theoretical approach that focuses on the part of the formerly colonized, the subaltern and the historically oppressed, using the prism of race and the historical context of colonialism, and analyzes or produces a critical commentary that serves as an act of cultural resistance to the domination of Euro‐American epistemic and interpretive schemes (Nayar, 2016: …show more content…

For instance, even the language used to describe relationships between local and global corporations conveys the extent to which globalization resembles colonialism in certain aspects (Ramone, 2011: 12). The methods of postcolonial control which are present now are mostly economical. The goal of a strong and rich is to subdue, to use for own benefits someone who is weaker and poorer. The main difference from colonial era is that nowadays it is done more humanely when before (Harvey, 2003). Therefore, the modern world does not seem to be greatly different from the Imperial one. It is different formally, but not in a fact: the forms of oppression and exploitation of some countries by others as well as methods that are used are the only elements that have changed, the goals which drove developed states during colonial era have partially transferred to the contemporary world, carrying on unequal power

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