Post-colonial Theory: Indian Literature

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Post-colonialism known as an “era” or the “post-colonial theory” that exists since around the middle of the 20th century. Post-colonialism also deals with conflicts of identity and cultural belonging. In Post-colonial writings the themes which are focused on are nationalism, self-identification to anti-imperialistic critique and postcolonial protest. Often protest writing has a political agenda of social change and expresses anger and disillusion at the postcolonial nation state. Nayar points out, “resistance literature in both the colony and the postcolonial nation include testimonial writings, prison narratives, revolutionary tracts and ‘insurgency’ writing. The rise and changes through technology, the manipulated fear of wars, multi-national capitalism, corporate economy, environmental concerns, various rights, terrorism, and all that; through political After colonialism and post colonization there is a re-colonization taking place with India. It is rather continuation of colonialism with certain added features to suit the perpetrators of colonialism, be it art, culture, commerce, or politics. or, we are heading back to colonialism by not resisting the politics of tyranny of a handful of zealots who have virtually consolidated their brutal power and are now out to obliterate the “marginalized”. , postcolonial literature is writing which has been “affected by the imperial process from the moment of colonization to the present day” (Ashcroft et al, 2). In India’s case, this includes novels, poetry, and drama which were written both during and after the British Raj or “Reign,” which came to a formal conclusion with Indian Independence in August 1947. Post colonial literature focuses on Reclaiming spaces and places Asserting cultur...

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...racters are strong women or totally weak women. The focus of his character are enduring hard struggles of life. Patience and perseverance is one of the prominent features of his characters in the short stores as they slave away at jobs for long hours, under bad living and working conditions. Most of these characters are able to overcome their difficult situations due to their belief in God and karma its faith that allows persons to not look at the harsh realities of their lives.

Works Cited

Anuj, A. K.. A study of R.K. Narayan's novels. New Delhi: Murari Lal & Sons, 2011. Print.

Kumar, Shiv Kumar. Contemporary Indian short stories in English. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 1991. Print.

Narayan, R K. Malgudi days. New York: Viking Press, 1982.Print

Suman Chakrabony Indian English Literature A Critical Casebook, united kingdom, London ,Roman Books , 2012 Print

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