Post Secondary Education Essay

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Some societies are built in the midst of an underdeveloped communities that undermine the worth of a college degree some can not afford the house they live in let alone affording a higher degree. That is why post- secondary education is gatway out out of social economic situations of poverty, and to obtain knowledge to change the social economic mindset that education is not they way out of poverty. If these communities that are held to poverty all had college degrees then it would change that economic statis making that community thrive with wealth. Most poverty-stricken families have to work together to pay rent or groceries and the means to get money is to get jobs at young ages to help provide money for their families. If communities in destitute situations earned a higher degree they would be able to sustain a life without the need of worry of financial troubles that they are faced or will face without a higher degree. Since the baby boomers it has become increasingly difficult to sustain a job without some kind of degree or certification of some type even some fast food restaurants are requiring them to work up the ranks.
This becomes a trend in critical conditioning family's that can not meet ends needs. In 2007, the high school dropout rate among persons 16-24 years old was highest in low-income families(16.7 percent) as compared to high-income families (3.2 percent) (National Center for Education Statistics)., conceivably they all had to drop out to support their families at young ages to survive and support their families financially situations. Additionally if they did get to go to college they might not be able to from the financial situations of their families and college will seem like devastation on their

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