Positive Importance Of Religion

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Religion is a significant aspect of humanity that has existed for centuries and will continue to exist for centuries to come. It’s true significance is based on the fact that it has successfully controlled human actions and beliefs through the use of an invisible God or Gods. What religion one pursues is a game of chance that is essentially dictated by where you are born, your ethnicity and your familial morals and beliefs. Certain individuals have the power to surrender their religious beliefs within the course of their lives, giving them the freewill to decide whether they will capitulate their autonomy or live a life with no given purpose. The real question is, does a higher power truly exist and are these beliefs sincerely beneficial to …show more content…

In the Christian religion, followers are inclined to obey the ten commandments, which are made up of a list of rules that include the prohibition of killing. The contradictions of religion are highlighted within this example because when we reminisce on history, endless wars have been fought in the name of religion. These wars have led to the killing of millions of individuals, for and by the church, regardless of the fact that they teach their followers that killing is wrong. One also cannot completely disregard the crusades that went on for centuries, in response to people’s dedication to various religions, namely, Islam. Religious institutions have successfully justified the murder of millions of human beings for its own selfish needs, slaughtering humanity in the “so-called” interest of …show more content…

Christianity claims that if you pray to God, you can potentially receive whatever you have asked for. Although that sounds lovely, we need to be more rational here. Suppose someone prays for sunshine tomorrow and their neighbour prays for rain, who will receive their will? It is just not possible to satisfy millions of people who are constantly pleading for endless things. Nonetheless, one must hold human ignorance accountable for certain outcomes. People are taught to pray on Sundays and wonder why their prayers don 't get answered, despite the fact that it’s been made clear that Sunday is his only day off. What about the idea of God’s providence? How does that fit into the idea of prayer? God has already planned an individual’s life, yet one is able to change all these pre-determined destinies by simply praying for an alternative

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