Positive Effects of Alternative Medicine on a Conventional Western Society

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Positive Effects of Alternative Medicine on a Conventional Western Society
The importance of the origin of medical procedures differs in value from one person to the next; the so-called “loonies” or “freaks” may however have the right view on the fundamentals of medicine. Alternative medicine has been best described as any one of a number of practices, techniques and systems that may challenge the commonly assumed viewpoints or bureaucratic priorities of our dominant professionalized system of healthcare (Cook, Allan R). Because the practices of alternative medicine have affected traditional western medicine, patients have been offered a homeopathic, cost effective, environmentally safe and non-invasive treatment that focuses on their natural ability and desire to heal.
Modern medicine had to evolve from an idea; it had to have some grounds on which chemistry and nature connected to create the modern world of medicine we have today. Alternative medicine is the household name of a medical practice that rooted the wide span Western world of medicine that we now associate with prescriptions, surgery, drugs, hospitals and stuffy, sterile waiting rooms. Unlike a doctor who has earned a Ph.D in biomedicine, alternative therapists work with their patients to help them achieve health by reaching a holistic balance with themselves and within society. Medicine in the United States has evolved from an eclectic mix of Native American, African, Eastern and European botanical traditions that have become the foundation of the medical field in America. Plants, herbs, and rays of sunshine were not an uncommon antidote for illness and maladies before the 1800s.
Although the idea behind alternative medicine is appealing to numerous amounts of ...

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... patients have been offered a homeopathic, cost effective, environmentally safe and non-invasive treatment that focuses on their natural ability and desire to heal. Not only is the cost effectiveness a contributor to the wallets of alternative patients, yet it contributes to the health of the body as well as the health of the patients’ well being. Turning to alternative medicine may be the answer for some of the patients who lack the money to afford such expensive treatments, yet are in dire need of assistance and immediate care. Through the use and promotion of alternative medicine as well as various lifestyle changes, the Earth and the human race gain greater longevity and reap more outstanding benefits. For these reasons and more it seems very likely that alternative medicine will play an increasing role in society and continue to affect the Western world.

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