Positive Effects Of Multitasking

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Multitasking can affect on the society everyday life. You can lose focus while multitasking because you're doing more than one thing at a time. Being focused on one thing can help but doing other activities effect on you. I've read the book “The Multitasking Mind” by Dario D. Salvucci Niels A Taatgen and he discussed some effects on multitasking in our daily lives.Also Mr. Dario gave some examples on how to use and learn multitasking.People can be affected easily with multitasking because you're trying to do more tasks than you can focus on. There are good and bad cause on multitasking affect like working in a office taking phone calls and checking emails than texting and driving getting distracted on the road. Multitasking People multitask at a high extreme even when they don't mean to, like texting and listening to music. Human beings are blamed for these daily habits and their mistakes. The society couldn't get help not multitasking because most people use it as a good cause. But multitasking can pick up bad habits like United States truck drivers picked up on bad habits.“One study (GMAC, 2006) reports that forty percent of drivers talk on cellphones while driving,twenty-four percent of younger drivers aged eighteen through twenty-five send text messages, and twenty percent select songs on an iPod while driving”(Salvucci 4). This example shows multitasking can effect on workers that pick up bad habits that can become dangerous. Not saying multitasking is always bad for you but it can acknowledge us to complete our task quickly. Also multitasking can come in handy with our everyday lives because the society tries to get much done as possible at one time. For instance, parents do a lot of multitasking with work, clean,clothe and more altogether. Also doctors and nurses go back and forth walking,talking to patients, and examining them as well. Multitasking can help save time, so you won't have to spend time doing one thing all day. Multitasking can easily affect students in school. Students have a hard time multitasking trying to focus on work but get distracted and start doing something other than their work. Also students that multitask a For instance in a good cause parents clothe, clean, cook and more altogether. A bad cause on multitasking is texting driving but you can learn from it because the main focus should be on the road. Reports in 2006 says United States truck drivers were getting distracted driving on the road and they was either texting and driving, talking on the phone, or selecting songs on their devices. Multitasking is a natural habit that the society does, it affects students, workers and more because they can easily get distracted with their work and try to focus on doing other tasks at the same time. Also multitasking can help save time so you won't have to do everything at once. People can use multitasking in a good way by relaxing their mind it can relief less stress. At the end of the day multitasking affects us in good ways and

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