The Negative Advantages Of Hooking Up

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When it comes to hooking up, it can have positive and also negative benefits for women. Hooking up does not always include intercourse. “About 30-40 percent of hookups involve intercourse, while 25-33 percent involves making out and some touching, but nothing genital” (England 3). There is no acute definition of “hooking up.” Some say hooking up is kissing, others say hooking up is intercourse, and some say hooking up is fooling around. “The vagueness of the term itself -hooking up, turns out to be a way to protect the reputation of the woman while enhancing that of the man” (Kalish 142). Even though hooking up is desired by both males and females, women and men have different outlooks when it comes to hooking up. For men, hooking up can enhance his reputation whereas it can damage a women’s reputation. One women explained, “Guys …show more content…

“Fielder and Carey found that 64% of a first semester female sample reported drinking at least one alcoholic drink prior to hooking up, and on average, participants reported consuming three drinks prior to hooking up” (La Brie 63). Women tend to use alcohol to calm themselves when hooking up since they know it might be an awkward situation if they participate in it. “Alcohol use can lead to how far the hookup progresses. Alcohol use has also been associated with a type of hookup: The greatest alcohol use was associated with penetrative sexual hookups, less alcohol use with nonpenetrative hookups, and the least amount of alcohol use occurred among those who did not hook-up” (Garcia 169). Since there are so many different meanings to hooking up, these statistics can defer because of the use of alcohol consumption. When people use alcohol, they think differently, feel more relaxed, less anxious about decisions, and might make memory fade. In general, young women tend to use alcohol to be relaxed and have more fun. Overall, this helps when hooking up with people at parties or the

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