Porter’s Five Forces on the Weight Loss Industry

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There are not a lot of requirements to create and market a diet plan. Many turn into fads and there are even websites that have compiled these fads for potential dieters to browse and try for themselves (Faddiet.com, 2013). The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics advises to steer clear of fad diets. They define a fad diet as any that claim one or more of the following: rapid weight loss, extreme quantities and/or limitation, very specific food combinations, rigid menus, or have no need or advise against exercise (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2012). WebMD also gives advice to avoid dieting that met much of the same criteria (WebMD LLC, 2012). So with many reliable sources advising against diets like Medifast, what is the profit potential for new entrants into the weight loss industry? A Marketdata Enterprises study estimates $61.6 billion in revenues were generated for the weight loss market in 2012 (PRWeb, 2014).
There are seven sections to help determine profit potential for companies thinking of entering this market (Coulter, 2013). Each one creates dynamic challenges to organizations that wish to enter the diet industry.
For the weight loss industry, capital requirements are low. Customers considered “Do-it-yourself Dieters” reached 82% in 2012 (PRWeb, 2014). This category of dieters includes those who follow websites and buy diet books. This portion of the industry can be penetrated with little to no capital. This requirement only increases with the amount of products and support a company wishes to provide their customer. The largest capital requirements come from any niche that provides brick and mortar centers, meal replacements, and nutraceuticals. Capital requirements may be no barrier at all for organizations div...

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...Compromise? Retrieved February 08, 2013, from Food Processing: http://www.foodprocessing.com/articles/2004/53/

Porter, M. E. (1980). Industry Structure and Competitive Stratedy: Keys to Profitability. Financial Analysts Jounal , 36 (4), 30-41.

PRWeb. (2014, February 5). Weight Loss Market in U.S. Up 1.7% to $61 Billion. Retrieved February 7, 2014, from Online Visibility from Vocus: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/4/prweb10629316.htm

Tina of Milford, N. (2014, January 22). Medifast. Retrieved from CustomerAffairs: http://www.consumeraffairs.com/nutrition/medifast.html

WebMD LLC. (2012, October 13). Weight Loss & Diet Plans. Retrieved Feburary 5, 2014, from WebMD: http://www.webmd.com/diet/guide/the-truth-about-fad-diets

William Reed, Business Media. (n.d.). Products: Suppliers. Retrieved from NutraIngredients-USA: http://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/Suppliers

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