Preparation for Population Standard Deviation Exam

577 Words2 Pages

Introduction for preparation for population standard deviation exam:

In chance theory and statistics, the standard deviation of an arithmetical population, a data group, or a chance distribution is the square root of its inconsistency. Standard deviation is a generally used calculate of the unpredictability or diffusion, being mathematically more tractable though basically fewer robust than the probable deviation or average absolute deviation. In this article we will discuss about preparation for population standard deviation.

Example problems of preparation for population standard deviation exam:

Preparation for population standard deviation exam – Example 1

Find the population standard deviation of following values 99, 107, 106, 103, and 105.


(i) Determine the mean and standard deviation for the specified values.

X = 99, 107, 106, 103, and 105

Mean (M) = (99+ 107 + 106 + 103 + 105) / 5

= 520/5

= 104

(ii) Then we can calculate the sum of (X - M) 2

X X-M (X-M)2

99 99-104 = -5 25


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