Political Ideology: Liberalism Government

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Political Ideology: Liberalism government
This essay is about a political ideology. A political ideology means a package of interrelated ideas and beliefs about government, society, the economy and human nature that inspire and affect political action (Mintz, Close, Croci 51). Each ideology has different perspective to show that how the world works. The ideology I choose is liberalism and liberalism is the best form of government. From historical view liberalism involves the struggle for individual freedom (Mintz, Close, Croci 51). I have four arguments to prove that why liberalism is the best form of government. The arguments are that liberalism government gives more economically advantage than any other government, liberalism government …show more content…

To understand these morality and mutual support government has a number of key themes that I will explain in this paragraph. The first key theme is the individual and his/her rights in the liberalism. The liberalism is the hearts of the individuals (Harrison and Boyd 202). Each individual has equal value and they are capable to understand what is good or bad for them. Equality and justice are the best form to understand the liberalism. Some individual claims that as a matter of fact, they think that some individual act rationally and choose what they need to be in their own interests. In the 20th century, liberals have promoted the homosexual rights, gender and racial equality, rights for the disabled and civil rights in general (Harrison and Boyd 203). Liberals are also given the authority of the freedom of speech and with that we have the authority to say what is right or wrong. The second key theme is a belief in progress. Belief in progress, we can say that how the individual (human nature) believe in themselves that they can do anything they wish want to do and they are aware that what is bad or good for them. Liberals look to the future with optimism and believe that social improvements not only possible and desirable but is also likely to take place over the long term (Harrison and Boyd 204). The third key theme is the commitment to freedom. The liberal attitudes to the human nature, progress and the individual, all come together in the very high value place of freedom (Harrison and Boyd 204). This freedom includes so many freedoms. For example, freedom of nations and groups oppression, freedom of economic activity, and freedom of thought and expression. Freedom cannot be absolute, there must be restraint who in exercising their own liberty (Harrison and Boyd 205). The government should therefore create the condition in which moral life is possible and the wildest possible

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