Comparing A Poison Tree And The Most Vital Thing In Life

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A mind that is poisoned with stress, anxiety, and anger towards your fellow man weathers only the bearer. To stay in touch with emotions that promise good-tidings and jovial introductions even in troublesome situations where one has been wronged keeps sanity within reach. The poems "A Poison Tree" and "The Most Vital Thing in Life", fulfill the reader with exemplary advice. The same idea is presented in to different ways, holding onto to feelings of anger will only harm yourself, but given two different ways to cope. With different tones and different themes the goals of the poems are the same and are accomplished. Within "A Poison Tree" the poet makes the accusation that if treating enemy as though they were a friend, there would be no anger …show more content…

In the morning glad I see, My foe outstrethched beneath the tree." (Poison 9-16)
In "The Most Vital Thing in Life", the same advice is given towards feeling resentment for another when …show more content…

“The Most Vital Thing in Life” reads more like a self help book to help better oneself. Giving advice in situations where one might not know what to do in a given situation. Giving life lessons, and how to prioperly act when upset. The author of “The Most Vital Thing in Life” most likely came from a upper class family where making a scene would be disastourous to the family's image, so to learn how to keep silent and not let anger control you, helped keep the author sane when in the face of adversity. The author of “A Poison Tree” probably came from a middle class family, and found that speaking your mind, and your troubles does wonders for the situation you are in, aswell as his mental

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